
Thursday, February 18, 2010

No updates for a while

I'll be traveling for about a month and have no laptop, so I won't be able to work on anything until late march, let alone finish anything until maybe April. Will keep working on Kuusou Zikken until I leave, so maybe I'll have it done by the 1st... er 2nd... I hate april fools >.>


  1. Yay Kuusou Zikken (second part) first Its still an awesome morally wrong comic. LOL. Nami's hot.

    Cool site.

  2. I greatly appreciate you becoming a translator! I'm looking forward to your future products. Might I ask when you're leaving?

  3. I'm leaving for Japan on the 24th, and will be there for about 3 weeks, hopefully I can find something to work on while I'm there... If not, I guess I'll just browse e-hentai or poke 4chan again
